Digital Courses

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We recommend everyone starts with our free Intro to Movement Christianity Course. It gives a great, dynamic overview of how the 6 elements of movement DNA (mDNA) have been expressed in history, and room for you to contextually respond in your community today.

  • graphic for phases of all change journey

    Phases of All Change Journey

    Video introductions to each phase of the ALL CHANGE Journey - Dream, Discover, Design & Deploy

  • The Art of Missional Spirituality

    Thirty-one practices designed to cultivate a vibrant and authentic spirituality that doesn’t draw you away from your neighbors but propels you into the lives of others and the needs of your city.

  • Servant Leadership

    Through practical tools and mental models, this course will help you to lead a life of influence as you grow in your capacity for self-governance, and take ownership of and set a trajectory for your life.

  • Ephesiology Masterclasses

    Discover the good work you are created for. Our master classes focus on those who want the missions and ministry skills without the price tag of a seminary. This is a learning experience designed with the practitioner in mind.

  • The Missionary Pathway

    The Missionary Pathway huddle equips and empowers everyday followers of Jesus to make disciples within their existing networks of relationships using an on-the-go training environment.

  • The Calling Lab

    The Calling Lab has been designed as a tool to help someone discern the voice of God on their missionary calling amid the other voices that are demanding their attention.

  • 5Q Training Courses

    At 5Q Collective we provide tools, training and resources around APEST for individuals and organizations to unlock and activate their latent kingdom potential.

  • Real Talk About Race

    This 5-week course is designed for both individual learners and large groups. It includes engaging video lessons, pre-work materials, and post-lesson activities to deepen your understanding.

  • Game Changer

    This bootcamp is for movement-ready leaders within the organization who want to unlock the potential of women and men leading better together.

  • mDNA Lab

    This three month online coaching experience is for selected reflective practitioners within a church/organization/ denomination who are most likely and able to adapt quickly to the changed conditions and pioneer and articulate new forms for the organization to follow.

  • Starfish & Spirit Accelerator

    Coaching and training for a core group of strategic leaders within an organization to understand, translate, integrate and unleash the gifts, talents, skills, and knowledge of every member throughout the entire community by embracing a holistic ethos of leadership.

  • mDNA Accelerator

    This bootcamp is for movement-ready leaders within the organization.

  • Missional Leadership Catalyst

    Living as disciples on mission takes intention, one step of faith at a time. If you want to grow as a missional leader, journey through these short videos to explore living missionally - and leading others to do the same.

  • Introduction to Missional Communities Catalyst

    Living as disciples on mission takes intention, one step of faith at a time. These videos give an introduction to Missional Communities.

  • Catalyst Learning Communities Resource

    Learning Communities are a journey to support and train leaders and their teams to transition their culture and practice towards missional discipleship.

  • Acelerador de Movimeiento

    Esta experiencia de capacitación en línea de tres meses es para practicantes reflexivos seleccionados dentro de una iglesia / organización / denominación que son más propensos y capaces de adaptarse rápidamente a las condiciones cambiantes y ser pioneros y articular nuevas formas para que la organización ha seguir.