In Person: Brave Cities Immersion
A day and a half onsite intensive designed to inspire and encourage you in building kingdom ecosystems where you live and love.
Gathering: Microchurch LAB
The Microchurch LAB will be an in-person opportunity for networks to bring current or aspiring microchurch leaders, attend interactive sessions for every day practitioners and connect with others who are starting microchurches in varied contexts.
Webinar: Bivo or Covo // Vocation & Microchurch Life
God cares deeply about both the work of our hands and our faithfulness among the unreached, our vocational calling and our missionary calling.
Join us for this 1 hr webinar to explore the intersection of work & mission, theologically and contextually for a decentralized network of microchurches.
Webinar: Healthy Governance in a Microchurch Network
How do we acknowledge the need and make room for healthy church governance & discipline in a decentralized microchurch network?
Join us for this 1 hr webinar to get an overview of how biblical spiritual authority, oversight, and church discipline can exist in a decentralized network without command & control, fear or manipulation.
Centering Discipleship Learning Hui
4- Week Online Training on moving disciples from inside the church walls to outside the church walls.
If we desire to see God’s reign become a greater reality in our neighborhoods and social networks, we need to move discipleship from the peripheral to the center of what we do.
Praxis One Day - NYC
This event is powered by the V3 Movement. For the last 10 years, they have faithfully trained over 500 women and men in four distinct missional and incarnational practices: boundary-crossing mission, locally-rooted-presence, tight-knit community, and life-forming discipleship.
What Happens at a Praxis OneDay?
Two Main Workshops on Innovative Discipleship & Movement
Two Table-Centric Facilitation Times for Local Practice
Worship and Liturgy
Connecting/Networking with Other Missional Practitioners
5Q Foundations Cohort
5Q Foundations is designed to provide the essential building blocks of understanding, growing in, and implementing the fivefold ministry of Ephesians 4: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher. With a comprehensive curriculum, this training provides an in-depth exploration of each ministry's core principles, biblical foundations, and practical applications. Participants will reflect on their own calling, as well as the function of their ministry, to envision a future of 5Q at work.